Heritability_Sparsity Sabrina





February 7, 2022

Generate Heritability and Sparsity Estimates for all 5 tissues


ge.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/data/"
"%&%" = function(a,b) paste(a,b,sep="")

Calculate Cis Heritability within 1MB

For each gene, we calculate heritability from its local GRM. Start with creating list of genes for each of the gene expression file:


ensidlist <- gexAc$EnsemblGeneID
ensidlist_Il <- gexIl$EnsemblGeneID
ensidlist_Lh <- gexLh$EnsemblGeneID
ensidlist_Pl <- gexPl$EnsemblGeneID
ensidlist_Vo <- gexVo$EnsemblGeneID
# Read in bim files for each tissue
bimfile <- ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Ac.bim" ###get SNP position information###
bimfile_Lh <- ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Lh.bim"
bimfile_Il <- ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Il.bim"
bimfile_Pl <- ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Pl.bim"
bimfile_Vo <- ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Vo.bim"

bim <- read.table(bimfile)
bim_Lh <- read.table(bimfile_Lh)
bim_Il <- read.table(bimfile_Il)
bim_Pl <- read.table(bimfile_Pl)
bim_Vo <- read.table(bimfile_Vo)

rownames(bim) <- bim$V2
rownames(bim_Lh) <- bim_Lh$V2
rownames(bim_Il) <- bim_Il$V2
rownames(bim_Pl) <- bim_Pl$V2
rownames(bim_Vo) <- bim_Vo$V2

We run gcta Ac plink files and gene annotation to generate local GRMs, then h2 calculations.

gt.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/output/Ac/"
pheno.dir <- gt.dir %&% "phenotype_files/"
grm.dir <- gt.dir %&% "GRMs/"
h2.dir <- gt.dir %&% "h2_output/"

#Make local GRMs for each gene
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <-geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bim,bim[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,4]>=start & chrsnps[,4]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,2]    
    write.table(snplist, file= gt.dir %&% "tmp.Ac.SNPlist",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    runGCTAgrm <- "gcta --bfile " %&%  ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Ac --make-grm-bin --extract " %&% gt.dir %&% "tmp.Ac.SNPlist" %&% " --out " %&% grm.dir %&%  gene

#Calculate h2
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    ensid <- ensidlist[i]
    gene <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),10])
    chr <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),1])
  individuals <- colnames(gexAc)[c(-1)]
  expression <- as.character(gexAc[i,c(-1)])
    #output expression pheno for gcta
    geneexp <- data.frame(
      famid = individuals,
      id = individuals,
      expr = expression
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid, col.names=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE) #output pheno for gcta
    ## Y ~ localGRM
    runLOC <- "gcta --grm " %&% grm.dir %&% ensid %&% " --reml --pheno " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid %&% " --out " %&% h2.dir %&% "tmp." %&% ensid

Repeat for Il:

gt.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/output/Il/"
pheno.dir <- gt.dir %&% "phenotype_files/"
grm.dir <- gt.dir %&% "GRMs/"
h2.dir <- gt.dir %&% "h2_output/"

#Make local GRMs for each gene
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Il)){
    gene <- ensidlist_Il[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <-geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bim_Il,bim_Il[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,4]>=start & chrsnps[,4]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,2]    
    write.table(snplist, file= gt.dir %&% "tmp.Il.SNPlist",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    runGCTAgrm <- "gcta --bfile " %&%  ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Il --make-grm-bin --extract " %&% gt.dir %&% "tmp.Il.SNPlist" %&% " --out " %&% grm.dir %&%  gene

#Calculate h2
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Il)){
    ensid <- ensidlist_Il[i]
    gene <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),10])
    chr <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),1])
  individuals <- colnames(gexIl)[c(-1)]
  expression <- as.character(gexIl[i,c(-1)])
    #output expression pheno for gcta
    geneexp <- data.frame(
      famid = individuals,
      id = individuals,
      expr = expression
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid, col.names=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE) #output pheno for gcta
    ## Y ~ localGRM
    runLOC <- "gcta --grm " %&% grm.dir %&% ensid %&% " --reml --pheno " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid %&% " --out " %&% h2.dir %&% "tmp." %&% ensid


gt.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/output/Lh/"
pheno.dir <- gt.dir %&% "phenotype_files/"
grm.dir <- gt.dir %&% "GRMs/"
h2.dir <- gt.dir %&% "h2_output/"

#Make local GRMs for each gene
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Lh)){
    gene <- ensidlist_Lh[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <-geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bim_Lh,bim_Lh[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,4]>=start & chrsnps[,4]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,2]    
    write.table(snplist, file= gt.dir %&% "tmp.Lh.SNPlist",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    runGCTAgrm <- "gcta --bfile " %&%  ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Lh --make-grm-bin --extract " %&% gt.dir %&% "tmp.Lh.SNPlist" %&% " --out " %&% grm.dir %&%  gene

#Calculate h2
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Lh)){
    ensid <- ensidlist_Lh[i]
    gene <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),10])
    chr <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),1])
  individuals <- colnames(gexLh)[c(-1)]
  expression <- as.character(gexLh[i,c(-1)])
    #output expression pheno for gcta
    geneexp <- data.frame(
      famid = individuals,
      id = individuals,
      expr = expression
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid, col.names=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE) #output pheno for gcta
    ## Y ~ localGRM
    runLOC <- "gcta --grm " %&% grm.dir %&% ensid %&% " --reml --pheno " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid %&% " --out " %&% h2.dir %&% "tmp." %&% ensid


gt.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/output/Pl/"
pheno.dir <- gt.dir %&% "phenotype_files/"
grm.dir <- gt.dir %&% "GRMs/"
h2.dir <- gt.dir %&% "h2_output/"

#Make local GRMs for each gene
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Pl)){
    gene <- ensidlist_Pl[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <-geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bim_Pl,bim_Pl[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,4]>=start & chrsnps[,4]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,2]    
    write.table(snplist, file= gt.dir %&% "tmp.Pl.SNPlist",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    runGCTAgrm <- "gcta --bfile " %&%  ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Pl --make-grm-bin --extract " %&% gt.dir %&% "tmp.Pl.SNPlist" %&% " --out " %&% grm.dir %&%  gene

#Calculate h2
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Pl)){
    ensid <- ensidlist_Pl[i]
    gene <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),10])
    chr <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),1])
  individuals <- colnames(gexPl)[c(-1)]
  expression <- as.character(gexPl[i,c(-1)])
    #output expression pheno for gcta
    geneexp <- data.frame(
      famid = individuals,
      id = individuals,
      expr = expression
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid, col.names=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE) #output pheno for gcta
    ## Y ~ localGRM
    runLOC <- "gcta --grm " %&% grm.dir %&% ensid %&% " --reml --pheno " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid %&% " --out " %&% h2.dir %&% "tmp." %&% ensid


gt.dir <- "/Users/sabrinami/Github/Rat_Genomics_Paper_Pipeline/output/Vo/"
pheno.dir <- gt.dir %&% "phenotype_files/"
grm.dir <- gt.dir %&% "GRMs/"
h2.dir <- gt.dir %&% "h2_output/"

#Make local GRMs for each gene
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Vo)){
    gene <- ensidlist_Vo[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <-geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bim_Vo,bim_Vo[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,4]>=start & chrsnps[,4]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,2]    
    write.table(snplist, file= gt.dir %&% "tmp.Vo.SNPlist",quote=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    runGCTAgrm <- "gcta --bfile " %&%  ge.dir %&% "rat_genome_Vo --make-grm-bin --extract " %&% gt.dir %&% "tmp.Vo.SNPlist" %&% " --out " %&% grm.dir %&%  gene

#Calculate h2
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist_Vo)){
    ensid <- ensidlist_Vo[i]
    gene <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),10])
    chr <- as.character(gtf[match(ensid, gtf$Gene),1])
  individuals <- colnames(gexVo)[c(-1)]
  expression <- as.character(gexVo[i,c(-1)])
    #output expression pheno for gcta
    geneexp <- data.frame(
      famid = individuals,
      id = individuals,
      expr = expression
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid, col.names=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE) #output pheno for gcta
    ## Y ~ localGRM
    runLOC <- "gcta --grm " %&% grm.dir %&% ensid %&% " --reml --pheno " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% ensid %&% " --out " %&% h2.dir %&% "tmp." %&% ensid

Calculate Sparsity Estimates for all 5 tissues

The following code uses bim_bam files generated through Palmer lab data, steps here. The code


pheno.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Ac/phenotype_files/"
ge.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Ac/genotype_files/"
bim.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Ac/bim_bam/"
#Read in bimbam file 
bimbamfile <- bim.dir %&% "Ac_bimbam" ###get SNP position information###
bimbam <- read.table(bimbamfile)
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <- geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bimbam, bimbam[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,2]>=start & chrsnps[,2]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,3:ncol(cissnps)]
    write.table(snplist, file= ge.dir %&% "tmp.Ac.geno" %&% gene, quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)

    geneexp <- cbind(gexAc_transpose[,i])
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% gene, col.names=F, row.names = F, quote=F) #output pheno for gemma
    runGEMMAgrm <- "gemma -g " %&%  ge.dir %&% "tmp.Ac.geno" %&% gene %&% " -p " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&%  gene  %&%  " -gk -o grm_Ac_" %&% gene


pheno.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Il/phenotype_files/"
ge.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Il/genotype_files/"
bim.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Il/bim_bam/"
#Read in bimbam file 
bimbamfile <- bim.dir %&% "Il_bimbam" ###get SNP position information###
bimbam <- read.table(bimbamfile)
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <- geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr 
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bimbam, bimbam[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,2]>=start & chrsnps[,2]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,3:ncol(cissnps)]    
    write.table(snplist, file= ge.dir %&% "tmp.Il.geno" %&% gene, quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
    geneexp <- cbind(gexIl_transpose[,i])
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% gene, col.names=F, row.names = F, quote=F) #output pheno for gemma
    runGEMMAgrm <- "gemma -g " %&%  ge.dir %&% "tmp.Il.geno" %&% gene %&% " -p " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&%  gene  %&%  " -gk -o grm_Il_" %&% gene


pheno.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Lh/phenotype_files/"
ge.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Lh/genotype_files/"
bim.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Lh/bim_bam/"
#Read in bimbam file 
bimbamfile <- bim.dir %&% "Lh_bimbam" ###get SNP position information###
bimbam <- read.table(bimbamfile)
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <- geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bimbam, bimbam[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,2]>=start & chrsnps[,2]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,3:ncol(cissnps)]    
    write.table(snplist, file= ge.dir %&% "tmp.Lh.geno" %&% gene, quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
    geneexp <- cbind(gexLh_transpose[,i])
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% gene, col.names=F, row.names = F, quote=F) #output pheno for gemma
    runGEMMAgrm <- "gemma -g " %&%  ge.dir %&% "tmp.Lh.geno" %&% gene %&% " -p " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&%  gene  %&%  " -gk -o grm_Lh_" %&% gene


pheno.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Pl/phenotype_files/"
ge.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Pl/genotype_files/"
bim.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Pl/bim_bam/"
#Read in bimbam file 
bimbamfile <- bim.dir %&% "Pl_bimbam" ###get SNP position information###
bimbam <- read.table(bimbamfile)
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <- geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bimbam, bimbam[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,2]>=start & chrsnps[,2]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,3:ncol(cissnps)]    
    write.table(snplist, file= ge.dir %&% "tmp.Pl.geno" %&% gene, quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
    geneexp <- cbind(gexPl_transpose[,i])
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% gene, col.names=F, row.names = F, quote=F) #output pheno for gemma
    runGEMMAgrm <- "gemma -g " %&%  ge.dir %&% "tmp.Pl.geno" %&% gene %&% " -p " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&%  gene  %&%  " -gk -o grm_Pl_" %&% gene


pheno.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Vo/phenotype_files/"
ge.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Vo/genotype_files/"
bim.dir <- "/gpfs/data/im-lab/nas40t2/natasha/rat_genomics/GEMMA/Vo/bim_bam/"
#Read in bimbam file 
bimbamfile <- bim.dir %&% "Vo_bimbam" ###get SNP position information###
bimbam <- read.table(bimbamfile)
for(i in 1:length(ensidlist)){
    gene <- ensidlist[i]
    geneinfo <- gtf[match(gene, gtf$Gene),]
    chr <- geneinfo[1]
    c <- chr$Chr
    start <- geneinfo$Start - 1e6 ### 1Mb lower bound for cis-eQTLS
    end <- geneinfo$End + 1e6 ### 1Mb upper bound for cis-eQTLs
    chrsnps <- subset(bimbam, bimbam[,1]==c) ### pull snps on same chr
    cissnps <- subset(chrsnps,chrsnps[,2]>=start & chrsnps[,2]<=end) ### pull cis-SNP info
    snplist <- cissnps[,3:ncol(cissnps)]    
    write.table(snplist, file= ge.dir %&% "tmp.Vo.geno" %&% gene, quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
    geneexp <- cbind(gexVo_transpose[,i])
    write.table(geneexp, file= pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&% gene, col.names=F, row.names = F, quote=F) #output pheno for gemma
    runGEMMAgrm <- "gemma -g " %&%  ge.dir %&% "tmp.Vo.geno" %&% gene %&% " -p " %&% pheno.dir %&% "tmp.pheno." %&%  gene  %&%  " -gk -o grm_Vo_" %&% gene
No matching items